TEA The Entrepreneurial Artist
TEA The Entrepreneurial Artist
TOPIC: PAIN FREE, zonetoolbox.com: Michelle/Zone High & Tania/TEA Podcast
The self-management toolbox for increased wellbeing, productivity and happiness!
Created by Michelle Stanton over 10 years and used by individuals, businesses and organisations in all sorts of different areas including the Arts.
The Five Zone Tools;
Get in the Zone, Reality Check, Re-Energise, Sleep Well, Pain Free
Audio Meditations
Emotion Management Tool
Instruction Manual
Access to weekly email Zone tips
"It is with great excitement and gratitude to Michelle Stanton founder of Zone Toolbox that we are able to offer listeners to this podcast a discounted once of payment to access to these tools. I love these tools, they make such a difference to how I see the world in a much more positive way. Opportunities are recognised more clearly for me and the debunking tool particularly helps me to see situations and events in a clearer way without creating stories in my mind of the worst case scenarios. I hope that listeners to this podcast benefit as I do with using the Zone Toolbox. Michelle also has a money back guarantee. Thank you again Michelle and your team for making these valuable tools available for listeners of my podcast and the special price offer for July 2021."
Tania Ingerson; Podcaster/Founder "TEA The Entrepreneurial Artist"/Creative Photographer/Entrepreneurial Artist
Special Offer: $39.99 for listeners of this podcast please email Tania
ingersontania@mac.com for code for discount
One off payment
Normally: AU$79.99
A Day in the Zone for the Entrepreneurial Artist
“Think about those days when you wake up in the morning with a smile on your face. When everything just “clicks” for you and you find yourself flowing spontaneously into action without hesitation.
You were in the Zone! This is the Z-Factor that distinguishes the successful entrepreneurial artist from the pool of talented creatives striving to earn a living from their creative pursuits.”
About Michelle
"Michelle has a Bachelor of Science degree majoring in Computer Science and mathematics, a Diploma in Education and a Graduate Diploma in Marketing. She worked for 10 years at ANZ Banking Group and ICI Australia in marketing and sales management, before setting up a training and development business for herself, using leading edge leadership and training programs from the United States."
About Michelle - Podcast
Any questions please email
I would like to acknowledge that music played on my Podcast is an original tune by
David Innocente, Jazz Musician/Artist